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Cũ 24-07-2012, 09:55 AM
cuahangso1 cuahangso1 đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 135
Mặc định ebook - Using SQLite

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Book Description
Application developers, take note: databases aren’t just for the IS group any more. You can build database-backed applications for the desktop, Web, embedded systems, or operating systems without linking to heavy-duty client-server databases such as Oracle and MySQL. This book shows you how to use SQLite, a small and lightweight relational database engine that you can build directly into your application. With SQLite, you’ll discover how to develop a database-backed application that remains manageable in size and complexity. This book guides you every step of the way. You’ll get a crash course in data modeling, become familiar with SQLite’s dialect of the SQL database language, and much more.
  • Learn how to maintain localized storage in a single file that requires no configuration
  • Build your own SQLite library or use a precompiled distribution in your application
  • Get a primer on SQL, and learn how to use several language functions and extensions
  • Work with SQLite using a scripting language or a C-based language such as C# or Objective-C
  • Understand the basics of database design, and learn how to transfer what you already know to SQLite
  • Take advantage of virtual tables and modules
“Complex SQL concepts explained clearly.” –D. Richard Hipp, creator of SQLite
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