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Cũ 24-07-2012, 10:07 AM
cuahangso1 cuahangso1 đang online
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 135
Mặc định ebook - BlackBerry Storm 2 Made Simple: For BlackBerry Storm & Storm 2

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Book Description
The sleek BlackBerry Storm is more than good looks—it also boasts a number of powerful features, including advanced SurePress typing technology, WiFi access, and video recording capabilities. With BlackBerry Storm 2 Made Simple, you’ll explore all the features and uncover valuable techniques—from emailing and scheduling to GPS mapping and using apps—through easy-to-read instructions and detailed visuals. Written by two successful BlackBerry trainers and authors, this is simply the most comprehensive and clear guidebook to the BlackBerry Storm and Storm 2 smartphones available. What you’ll learn
  • Sync your Storm with a PC or Mac
  • Master the keyboard and trackpad navigation
  • Everything email: setup, basics, and pro techniques
  • Text messaging: SMS, PIN, and more
  • Set up a three-way conference call
  • Get work done: Manage your calendar, contact list, and memopad
  • Understand connectivity: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
  • Use Google Sync for true “Wireless Sync” without an Enterprise Server
  • Support for both BlackBerry Internet Service and Corporate BlackBerry Enterprise Server
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